Category: Rug Cleaning

A Persian Mahal rug for cleaning and repair
Sometimes our Edinburgh and London rug repair clients come to us with Persian or Oriental carpets and rugs that are so badly damaged, worn or threadbare that they believe they are beyond repair…and they are usually wrong! We can bring almost any Pe...
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A beautiful silk Persian rug cleaned and repaired
We have just hand cleaned and repaired this stunning Persian Qum rug for one of our very loyal clients in Kensington, West London. The client called us originally to clean and repair five rugs including one Persian Tabriz and several very fine Tekke ...
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Hidden Treasures
We have just taken delivery of a Persian Serapi for cleaning and repair. We were asked by our client to restore it, as they had a mind to sell it on, once complete. When asked to value it they were astounded to hear that it was an 18th century piece,...
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Rug cleaning in Autumn
A time for getting the house in order for the winter season and perhaps having your rugs cleaned and repaired. It’s the time that people bring the rugs out of storage in preparation for winter and discover that they have been attacked by moths. If ...
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